Monday, December 18, 2017

SEO Concepts That One Must Be Aware In 2018

The year 2017 was relatively a calm year in terms of extensive Google Algorithm Updates. In 2016, we saw major updates in Google Algorithms such Penguin 4.0, Possum and some significant changes to AdWords. Although there was a Fred Update, it was dropped in March and Google has been quiet ever since. However, trends like Machine Learning and Mobile Optimizations won’t go away anytime soon. Therefore, we need to focus on these critical concepts as we welcome the year 2018 which are mentioned below.

Semantic Search – Hummingbird Update was introduced by Google in 2013 to improve the search accuracy of results by thoroughly understanding the intent of the searcher, i.e. the context and relationship between words of the query. Though, the Semantic search has been so much evolved nowadays. The idea is to understand the intent of your target audiences and create content accordingly. That also increases the conversion rate.

Machine Learning – Recently, there has been a rapid advancement in the field of Machine Learning. Various industries are relying on Machine Learning to simplify the complicated problems. Google also utilizes RankBrain and other Machine Learning systems to add accuracy in search results based on the best behavior of users. Moreover, it is closely related to semantic searches. Hence, the best practice is to create content optimized for semantic searches and user experience.

Mobile – First Indexing – Everyone is well-aware about the need for mobile-friendly sites. However, having a responsive mobile site is not enough; you need to be mobile-first. It means that how good your website is doing on mobile searches will affect the ranking of Desktop searches. Hence, it is high time to take care of Mobile SEO first.

Featured Snippets – This feature was introduced by Google a few years back to provide users’ Rich answers to their queries including short and fact-based answers. Developing content for your website keeping Featured Snippets in mind will give you an edge over your competitors.

Voice Search – According to report published by Google, about 55 percent of teens and 40 percent of adults rely on Voice searches every day. Optimizing your website for voice search using long tail keywords and having a business listing can inevitably increase users from Voice Search.
I am Gajendra Shekhawat, a freelance SEO expert. If you want to boost traffics on your website in 2018, then get in touch with me.

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